no matter how straightforwardly the thoughts are being phrased, the meaning still more often than not gets warped and distorted on its way to the listener.
in these cases it can be useful to come up with a personal way of perception, one that cant be misunderstood. (and having severely poisonous earwax can help with this process) shapes are great for that. they are solid concrete and well-defined.
so whenever she gets bored or annoyed, bugjelly will return to perceiving the shapes of abstract concepts
though as a box jellyfish she has a very strong instinctual bias towards (regular) hexahedrons.
a lot.probably too much
peculiar noises are popular oases for interesting shapes.
bend and ride the waves of the modular synth to lure them close to you. and once they feel safe enough in your presence, they might let you perceive them.
hold them gently in your palms. its nice to observe and record their memories but its best to not get too attached, the admiration is one-sided. even the friendliest hexahedron will leave you without a second thought if something more fragrant than you catches its attention.