Atolla jellyfish is definitely one shifty species. When it feels tretened it gives of flashes of bluish luminescence. This creates the illusion of multiple jellyfish, making its predators confused. And also attracts even bigger predators that can chase of its original pursuers, while the atolla jelly can quietly step down from the scene. This strategy earned this species the nickname: "alarm jelly".


This is probably the most op type jellyfish ever. In case of physical injuries or starvation instead of dying it take a leap back in it's development stage and turns back it's into polyp form. As polyps they form huge colonies and ride on the ballasts of ships. They aren't just immortal but also excellent hitchhikers.


Moon jellies along with several other types of jellyfish are the prey of lots of predators. They have little nutritinal value so the carnivores must eat hundreds of them every day. The problem is that jellyfish can be easily mistaken for the loads of trash floating aruond in the oceans. That's why turtles or other sea creatures hunting for jellyfish might end up suffocating because of a plastic bag wrapped around their head.


In jellyfish terms box jellies are very advanced. They can swim, unlike most of their relatives, who can only drift with a current. They also have 24 eyes, that are located on the 4 sides of their bell. But since they lack a nervous system, scientist don't know how can they proccess, what they see. Not to mention they have one of the deadliest venom in the world.